2826 Old Lee Hwy Ste 220 Fairfax, VA 22031-4348, US

When to See a Podiatrist for Ingrown Toenails: Signs It's Time for Professional Treatment

When ingrown toenails make a presence in your life, Dr. My Hoa Kaas and Dr. Jay D. Ryan at Virginia Foot and Ankle Center in Fairfax, VA, can provide personalized treatment so that you can experience relief. 

When to Seek Care for An Ingrown Toenail 

 You’ve probably experienced an ingrown toenail – or several – in your lifetime, as they are such common issues. When they do occur, you might wonder if it warrants a trip to the podiatrist or if you should just handle it at home. Below, Dr. Kaas, Dr. Ryan, and the team at Virginia Foot and Ankle Center in Fairfax, VA, dive deeper into ingrown toenails, how to care for them, and when to seek help. 

Basics of An Ingrown Toenail 

 Toenails are supposed to grow straight out, but there are several factors that can impact how they grow, such as: 

  • Trimming them too short or at a curve 
  • Injuries, like dropping something on your foot 
  • Wearing shoes that are too tight on the toe area 

 Such factors can cause the toenail to grow into the sides of the nail bed. It can cause throbbing, redness, swelling, and even infections. 

Treating an Ingrown Toenail 

 If the condition is mild, you may be able to treat it at home. One key step is in addressing the issue that caused the ingrown toenail in the first place. If you’re trimming your nails improperly or wearing shoes that are too tight, you’ll need to adjust your trimming habits and wear wider shoes. If an injury is the cause, your podiatrist can help. 

After determining and addressing the initial issue, there are a few things you can do on your own. Soaking your feet can help with the discomfort and make the nail a bit more pliable. After soaking, you can place a small amount of cotton or even dental floss beneath the nail to encourage it to grow straight out. 

There are times and certain factors that make a trip to the podiatrist important. This is especially true if you have diabetes or circulation issues. In such cases, it’s important to never try to treat your feet at home. 

Additionally, if there is an infection present – even if you have no medical conditions – or the pain is too much to bear, it’s best to seek care from a professional. A trip to the podiatrist is also in order if your efforts at home aren’t providing results. 

For an assessment or customized treatment of ingrown toenails, visit Dr. Kaas and Dr. Ryan at Virginia Foot and Ankle Center in Fairfax, VA. Call (703) 205-0770 to schedule an appointment today. 

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